Case studies

Surrey County Council

Mid Surrey Community Fridges CIC

  • An existing Community Interest Company looking to save funds through developing a solar project on the roof of their leased building or on adjacent fields and switching from diesel transport to electric.
  • Pathways is supporting them with a feasibility study for solar and vehicle options plus understanding the ideal business model for raising investment.

Surrey County Council

Cranleigh Parish Council

  • A Parish Council having already secured funding to study solar and heat options for their large village.
  • Pathways is supporting them through the process to help ensure the emerging project is a strong investment opportunity and carbon reducing initiative.

Surrey County Council

Zero Carbon Guildford

  • An existing charity keen to initiate rooftop solar projects to support the wealth of other carbon saving initiatives.
  • Starting their feasibility journey into rooftop solar
  • Keen to further existing energy champion work to address local fuel poverty

Surrey County Council

Maid Energy

  • An established Community Benefit Society operating in Windsor, Maidenhead and North Surrey.
  • This group has a strong portfolio of seven community solar sites and a leisure centre ground source heat pump.
  • MaidEnergy is a keen supporter of other groups – lending experience and opportunities to collaborate to new local ventures.

Surrey County Council

Wey Valley Solar

  • A community owned energy co-operative set up by people from Guildford and Godalming.
  • The group provides solar on 10 schools and one church with a generation capacity of 600kW.
  • Wey Valley Solar are being incredibly supportive in Surrey by advising and supporting other communities to replicate the work.

Surrey County Council

Springbok Sustainable Wood Heat Co-operative

  • This co-op operates an affordable wood chip fuelled district heating system on a residential estate in Surrey
  • The area does not have access to the gas grid and found biomass system to be much favourable than the aging oil boilers
  • Managed by Energy4All Green Co-operative Energy this group has provided countless advice and inspiration to many emerging community energy groups.

Essex County Council

Tollesbury Climate Partnership

  • Supported them to become an incorporated company, develop a business plan and secure funding.
  • Secured £30k from Maldon District Council to deliver decarbonisation projects with local schools.
  • Funds to be spent on community engagement, creating a share offer for community investment, developing the supply chain development and preparing for project delivery.
  • Working with the group on rooftop a solar feasibility study.

Essex County Council

Saffron Walden Community Energy

  • Supported them to become an incorporated company, develop project ideas, create a business plan and secure funding.
  • Initial projects include work on local fuel poverty and partnering with the Town Council.
  • Secured £20k from Essex Climate Action Challenge Fund
  • Enabled the group to work with  a nearby Parish to investigate whole-village heat decarbonisation using findings from the celebrated CommuniHeat project.

Essex County Council

Sustainable Danbury

  • Supported them to become an incorporated company, develop project ideas, create a business plan and secure funding.
  • Secured £5k from Essex Climate Action Challenge Fund to employ their first staff member to help them engage their community and develop locally led projects.
  • Group is involved in several local energy projects ranging from large scale solar and energy saving advice.

Essex County Council

Community Energy Colchester

  • Advised this group on becoming incorporated and developing a business plan
  • Supported them to network with other emerging groups and participate in an energy saving advice network, training volunteers and reaching hundreds of homes.
  • Supporting a micro-hydro feasibility study and development of their project pipeline.

Hampshire County Council

Energy Alton

  • Community Interest Company that has been delivering home energy services to Alton area for 10 years.
  • Now interested in developing community renewable projects and CES supported a successful RCEF bid to explore the feasibility of a renewable heat and electricity project at a local housing co-op.
  • Providing support to expand its home energy service to widen its outreach and provide additional support to households struggling with fuel debt.

Hampshire County Council

Test Source Community Energy

  • Community Benefit Society that CES are supporting through the development of its first project to develop a 330kW rooftop solar scheme on a local farm.
  • Assisting the group to develop a pipeline of renewable energy opportunities in the area and providing business plan support.
  • Working with the group to develop and resource a home energy champions service for the area.

Hampshire County Council

Energise South Downs

  • Supporting the group to become a registered Community Benefit Society that spans a wide number of communities across the South Downs from Chichester to Winchester.
  • Providing business planning and capacity building support including integrating with the local authorities and South Downs National Park.
  • Helping to develop a large pipeline of project opportunities including ground mounted and rooftop solar PV schemes and renewable heat projects in off gas, rural communities.

Hampshire County Council

Loddon Community Energy

  • Supported the group to become a registered Community Benefit Society and advised on governance and structuring.
  • Helping develop a business plan that includes a number of project opportunity in the north Basingstoke area
  • Assisting with the development of a home energy champion service and linking with Test Source Community Energy to share resources and skills

Hampshire County Council

West Solent Solar Co-op

  • Existing group that has a 2MW solar farm in Lymington in the New Forest – one of the first community energy projects in Hampshire.
  • It would like to explore other renewable energy projects in wider area and we are working to build a coalition of environment groups in the New Forest that could take these projects forward.
  • Supporting the group to develop a home energy advice service and are looking at funding opportunities to resource this.

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